

The latest Department of Health fact sheet has information about the COVID-19 restrictions that apply to all international voyages entering Australia, except for cruise ships. Attachment-Australian-Government-Department-of-Health-COVID-19-information-for-the-marine-industryDownload ...

This month's Industrial Report highlights the hidden dangers lurking in the amendments to the Fair Work Act during the COVID-19 pandemic, and discusses what you should do if your employer tries to use the new legislation as an opportunity to make changes to your conditions without consultation. 2020-April-COVID-19-Industrial-Report-Download ...

The Infection Control Expert Group (ICEG) has developed routine environmental cleaning guidelines in the community which are now published on the Department of Health website. Whilst ICEG have not developed a separate maritime-specific guideline for cleaning, this guideline covers cleaning requirements for frequently touched surfaces and minimally touched surfaces and ICEG are satisfied that it is directly applicable to the maritime environment. A link to this information, along with information regarding routine cleaning in the maritime environment, has...

This month's special Coronavirus edition of the Industrial Report focuses on the pressure employers are placing on maritime workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020-March-COVID-19-Industrial-Report-Download ...